Curious creatures and watchful birds inhabit a world of secret gardens and hidden places - a borderland between nature, myth, memory and dreams.
Amanda Anderson’s vibrant mosaics draw inspiration from the natural world - both real and imagined - from half forgotten childhood tales and traditional mosaic motifs woven together with the formal concerns of line, balance and colour.
She enriches intricately cut stained glass, ceramic pieces and pottery fragments with a charcoal cement-creating bold silhouettes and saturated hues - imbuing her mosaic’s whimsical style with a vivid and joyful energy.
Amanda Anderson grew up in Wolverhampton, a culturally diverse post-industrial city in the English Midlands. She originally studied Fine Art, specialising in sculpture, at Liverpool School of Art and Design, and is currently based in South Staffordshire.
Amanda Anderson has work in both private and public collections, along with several public commissions in the UK and US.